Desk Style Linear actuator desk, one motor per leg
Max Weight 120kg 2-leg, 150kg 3-leg
Height Range 625– 1275mm (no top)
Glide Adjustment 10mm glide adjustment
Top Width 1200 to 3600mm
Top Depth 600 - 900mm
Configuration 180° two or three leg, 90° and 120°
Speed 36mm / second
Operating Volume Less than 48dB
Controller Programmable controller with 4 height settings
Collision Control Collision control with adjustable sensitivity
Container/Shelf Stop Customisable min/max height range
Additional Features Desk lock setting / press and hold or press and forget settings
Optional Accessories Bluetooth contactless operation / cascading feature for multiple leg configurations / custom shapes and sizes
Colours Black / white / silver
Warranty 10 years on frame and electrics
1200mm(w) x 650mm(d) $1029
1200mm(w) x 750mm(d) $1049
1500mm(w) x 650mm(d) $1099
1500mm(w) x 750mm(d) $1119
1500mm(w) x 900mm(d) $1129
1800mm(w) x 750mm(d) $1149
1800mm(w) x 900mm(d) $1199
Three frame colours - White, Silver and Black
Prices are for our standard colour range - Polar White, White, Oyster Grey, Alaskan, Young Beech, Select Beech, Natural Oak, Rural Oak, Ironstone and Black Click Here for sample colours
Custom Colours are also available, please call our Sales Team on 02 4952 1555 to purchase. Additional costs may apply.