Desk Style Linear actuator desk, one motor per leg
Max Weight 120kg 2-leg, 150kg 3-leg
Height Range 625– 1275mm (no top)
Glide Adjustment 10mm glide adjustment
Configuration 180° two or three leg, 90° and 120°
Speed 36mm / second
Operating Volume Less than 48dB
Controller Programmable controller with 4 height settings
Collision Control Collision control with adjustable sensitivity
Container/Shelf Stop Customisable min/max height range
Additional Features Desk lock setting / press and hold or press and forget settings
Optional Accessories Bluetooth contactless operation / cascading feature for multiple leg configurations / custom shapes and sizes
Colours Black / white / silver
Warranty 10 years on frame and electrics
1500mm x 1500mm
1800mm x 1800mm
2100mm x 2100mm
2400mm x 2400mm